SEJIWA diwakili Diena Haryana, turut menjadi bagian dari Global Project, yang melibatkan para ahli keamanan anak di ranah daring dari berbagai negara di dunia.

Dangerous Challenges and Suicide Self
Harm Hoaxes – Global Steering Group: Biographies

IMG 5873 Facetune 12 02 2020 15 05 37


Diena Haryana is the Founder of SEJIWA. SEJIWA is a nonprofit organization in Jakarta,
focusing on the safety and protection of children in both online and offline settings. SEJIWA
trains and assists parents and child caregivers to create healthy, nurturing living environments
that build a child’s character, increase confidence and promote competence.

Before founding SEJIWA, Diena worked in several companies and as a lecturer in her alma
mater. She then formed Business Dynamics, a training and consulting company, serving
national and international corporations and industries with her former husband in 1993. In the same year, Diena developed her second training program and applied her two models
“Parenting Model in Indonesia” and “Three Steps to Empower Others” into her work at
Business Dynamics to train leaders, managers, supervisors, and workers. In early 2000, her
model successfully trained several well-known international companies in China, India,
Vietnam, and Thailand. Those whole experiences affected and shaped her life choice to focus
her work on the issue of violence against children.

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